Friday, March 22, 2013

Expert advice for artificial grass

What should be the base terrain?
Floor must be stable, firm and free of sharp edges (stones, roots, etc.) and other impurities. The flatter and smoother surface, the better the resulting aesthetic appeal. The last layer of the artificial turf is recommended 20 -30 mm crushed aggregate grain size of about 0.5 - 2 mm.
It is also possible to make installation on a hard, flat substrate (concrete, tiles, etc.).

The shear, or cut strip of artificial turf?
Cutting is performed snap-off knife.

What is the durability of artificial turf?
The life of artificial turf is 10 to 15 years, according to the burden.

What is the warranty on artificial grass?
Warranty when properly laid is 5 years.

In what weather conditions it is possible to perform installation?
The laying perform at temperatures below +10 ° C and rain.

How to clean the surface of artificial turf?
Cleaning is carried out regular domestic cleaning equipment (vacuum cleaner, etc.), or water spray.

I can not damage the artificial turf detergents or chemicals?
None of the commonly used household chemicals harm the artificial turf.

It can not harm the lawn high summer or low winter temperatures?
Artificial turf is resistant to weather conditions in Central Europe.

What to do if we consider a larger area and it is necessary to combine multiple roles of artificial turf?
Recommended for laying artificial turf glue tape. To ensure a smooth bonding surfaces should push connections

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