Wednesday, January 9, 2013

a football field with artificial turf

Thanks to the initiative of the IAD to maintain its course-workshop on maintenance of artificial turf sports surfaces, over 60 technicians of sports facilities of Andalusia, Extremadura and the Canary Islands enjoyed on Tuesday November 23 a day of training in Umbrete (Sevilla ) which discussed various topics on artificial turf and maintenance.

The course was first class speakers as Mercedes Sanchis, responsible for studies on artificial turf in the IBV (Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia), Jesus Cato, production manager at Mondo artificial turf IBERICA, Carlos Venegas, maintenance chief Sevilla CF or Leonor Gallardo, professor at the University of Castilla La Mancha and expert on these surfaces. 

By José Antonio Mantenturf Baron (director of the brand) made ​​a presentation on the key parts practice of comprehensive maintenance plan and turf issues to consider. Exposed parts of the maintenance plan difeenciando routine tasks to be performed by the property, and the specific tasks to be performed by a specialized company. 

Also distinguión between preventive and corrective tasks, and the absence of maintenance shortened by up to 50% the life of a football field with artificial turf. Finally fotagrafías and videos visulaizaron performing different tasks to a greater understanding of the students.

The satisfaction of students attending was good, being satisfied with their training.

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